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algae growthの例文


  • Actinic lighting is also used to limit algae growth in the aquarium.
  • The LED lights do not promote algae growth or harm cave life.
  • These chemicals " basically kill rivers, " said Hopkins, by spurring algae growth.
  • The pollution fosters algae growth, kills fish and taints drinking water.
  • Overexposure to sunlight leads to rapid algae growth inside and outside the tank.
  • The nutrient rich sediment also facilitates algae growth, which can overgrow the corals.
  • "We've documented algae growth at 5 to 7 percent per year,"
  • Because sea grass absorbs nutrients, its loss further stimulates algae growth.
  • Introducing " Tilapia nilotica " provided biological control of algae growth.
  • The containers should exclude light to prevent algae growth in the nutrient solution.
  • Runoff from developed properties has increased nitrogen levels in the lake, triggering algae growth.
  • Algae growth is not significant, making for good bathing conditions.
  • For most water gardeners, a bigger concern is algae growth.
  • For example, algae growth could be encouraged by adding iron to iron-poor sea water.
  • An excess of fish and fish food encourages algae growth, and algae turns the water green.
  • But a pond or large container garden needs a more balanced ecosystem to minimize algae growth.
  • Sometimes increasing the amount of sun that hits your house will reduce mold and algae growth.
  • These nutrients, he said, have produced the big, bushlike algae growths and the microscopic pea-soup algae.
  • In the eastern bay, chlorophyll levels, a measure of algae growth, also appear to have declined.
  • The principal culprits are overfishing and pollution including high levels of nutrients that cause algae growth.
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